Home Remodeling
6 Home Remodeling Mistakes You Should Avoid
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6 Home Remodeling Mistakes You Should Avoid

Oct 30, 2016

Remodeling your home is a huge decision so make sure you have everything covered. This means avoiding some common mistakes that might keep you from having a smoother, more worry-free experience. Legacy Design Build Remodeling, the expert in kitchen remodeling in Scottsdale, AZ, shares six of these errors you should watch out for.

Home Remodeling Mistakes

1. Considering the lowest bid. You should be wary of remodelers who offer prices and services that appear too good to be true. By going for this shady offer, it’s possible that you’ll receive defective, low-quality products and sub-par workmanship.

2. Take note of door orientation. During a remodel, it’s easy to overlook the more common issues. These involve placing drawers, cabinets, and other large items in awkward spots. Be sure that there’s enough space for these items so that they won’t hinder how the doors open.

3. Changing your mind constantly during the project. In a survey conducted by Consumer Reports, it was revealed that up to 59% of contractors noted that the biggest and costliest mistake homeowners usually do is changing their mind after the work has started. To avoid the stress and additional costs, go over every small detail before starting work on your project.

Turn to Legacy Design Build Remodeling, the expert in interior design in Scottsdale, AZ . Our professional team will be more than happy to help you create and build a lovely and functional space that meets your specific needs.

4. Hiring an unlicensed and uninsured remodeling contractor. Your choice of contractors can go a long way in ensuring a smoother overall experience. Make sure that your prospective remodeler can provide the professional and quality service your project needs. This means making sure that they carry the necessary licenses and insurance to add an extra layer of protection for you and your investment.

5. Failing to anticipate emergencies. Some home remodeling projects encounter a few bumps along the way. You can deal with these unwelcome surprises without fuss by setting aside a contingency budget.

6. Using non-sustainable products. A home that excels in visual appeal is great, but you should also consider your home’s comfort and energy efficiency. By investing in greener product choices, you can enjoy more comfortable living spaces without worrying about high energy bills.

When you turn to Legacy Design Build Remodeling, you can avoid these common mistakes. As your expert in bath remodel in Scottsdale, AZ, we’ll help you keep your project on track and on budget. Call us today at (480) 372-5001 or fill out this form for a free consultation.

Legacy Design Build Remodeling
Their talents and professional standards made the process and outcome of the renovation outstanding!!
Earl & Elaine F.
Phoenix, AZ