There are hundreds of different factors that go into creating the perfect living space. In addition to choosing a home that is the right size, that is in the right location, and that has the right amenities for your family, choosing the right Scottsdale interior design specialist can make a big difference. Every experienced interior designer knows that lighting can really make or break a room. While planning the lighting for your home, make sure to keep the following considerations in mind:
The three main types of lighting to consider for any Scottsdale interior design project are general or ambient lighting, accent lighting, and task lighting. Ambient lighting can come from natural sources, such as windows or skylights, or from artificial sources, such as overhead lights. Accent lighting is often more decorative in nature, and can vary according to the style of the home and the occasion. Task lighting is primarily functional, but can also be an element of style.
The right lighting fixtures vary according to the needs of each room and the style of the home. Whether you are going for a chic, modern look, or a warm, traditional look, there are hundreds of light fixtures to choose from. A Scottsdale interior design specialist is a great resource for ideas and options that fit your lifestyle.
Legacy takes great pride in the experience of its employees. That is why we offer expert interior design services from Annette Grover of Bella Art Décor. Known for her artistic sense and discriminating eye, Annette has been offering professional Scottsdale interior design services for over fifteen years. Call (480) 534-3934 today to put her experience to work on your next design project, or you can contact us for more information about the services we offer.